I did a bit of searching for "Jane Gordon." She's the author of the novel I'm currently reading, Season of Evil. It's a delightful, highly entertaining read [and rather unusual in one aspect, but no spoilers; will review it when I'm finished]. I decided to try and track Ms. Gordon down. Turns out she's Elsie Lee [Sheridan] and she's a multiply-published author, including of non-fiction [gourmet cookbooks and party guides].
Found the above link. Two novels in particular interested me: Silence is Golden [with its gorgeous cover art] and Barrow Sinister. As luck would have it, my local used bookstore with its well-stocked Gothic section had each...and each in excellent condition. :-)
I also picked up Dark Moon, Lost Lady and Clouds over Vellanti.
All 4 for only $1.25. Each in excellent condition with fabulous cover art.
I told the cashier, "I'm cleaning out your Gothics." He laughed and said, "Good! There's plenty back there."
Glad I went on an internet hunt for Jane Gordon. Here's to her! *Toast* And hours of pleasurable reading ahead.
Bargain With a... Worm
I'm not sure what planet the creators of this story are from, but here on
Earth worms don't look like a blobby grey melted bag of trash. Even the
6 hours ago
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