"Jung related a fantasy of an 18-year-old female catatonic patient under his care, in which a vampire symbolized her Animus and became the catalyst for her healing. As he stated later, her condition stemmed from being seduced by her brother. Because incest is traditionally associated with royalty and divinities, this experience transported her to a mythic realm. She gradually became more and more isolated and odd, until she was completely silent. Jung worked with her for weeks, and when he finally persuaded her to speak, she depicted her catatonic state as a fantasy in which she had been living on the moon.
She said that the men on the moon kept their wives and children in sublunar dwellings so that they would be safe from a vampire who lived in the mountains. As a favor to the moon people, the patient planned to destroy the vampire. To accomplish this, she waited for him on a tower erected for this purpose and had a sacrificial knife concealed under her gown. Day after day she waited until he drew close. His appearance was that of a large black bird with several pairs of wings. His iridescent black feathers totally hid his face, and when he was finally within reach she was seized by a curiosity to find out what he looked like. Suddenly the wings opened, revealing a man of unearthly beauty, and she was spellbound and unable to strike. Then, the vampire seized her with an iron grip and flew away with her.
After this, she was able to speak and could no longer return to her catatonic state. Gradually she returned to complete health, was married and had a natural full life.
When the female patient began to wonder what her Animus looked like, she began to interact with him consciously and he transformed into a healing catalyst."
Cool huh? ;-)
What a fascinating story!
Actually, back when I was a high school, I had read a fantasy novel based on this story. It's called The Darkangel by Meredith Ann Pierce. It's really good YA fantasy (although I much prefer the first book over the two sequels), This is the first time I've read the original account though. Thanks for posting it, I enjoy your blog a lot.
Hi caerbannog. :-) Thanks for that. I'd wondered if someone who'd read of that girl's case had been inspired to write a novel based on it. I might check it out (but already have a ton of books lol...).
I couldn't resist quoting Mr. Place's description of the case; I immediately recalled it. He worded it as well as I ever could have.
I'm glad you enjoy my blog.
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