Here's a bit of biographical info about Ms. Hurd; she died last year. A pity this author of 32 books only received a blurb of attention in the local press [Link never works for me; I did try again to use Link feature but it didn't take]:
And now for the cover art: I particularly like "The Gorgon's Head" and would especially love to have that cover. :-) "Witches' Pond" is very striking, and I also like the strong simplicity of "Seance for the Dead"; will try to find these too, locally. "Wade House" is in one of my metal boxes, not yet read:

Gorgon's Head has a fun cover.
Are yoy able to identify the artist on the cover of Secret of Seacliff Pines?
Hi Barrymore: No, I'm afraid not. :-(
How could someone not want to read a story called The Gorgon's Head! Awesome.
Yes indeed, Karswell. :-)
I have ordered that novel from an Illinois bookseller (so then "Wyndspelle" is not my final mail order - lol [my husband will strangle me eventually]), and it should arrive late next week; yay!
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