Found this lovely Signet Double Gothic by accident, while browsing a Canadian bookstore for a Belmont DG; they scanned the cover. Not sure how many DG's Signet produced; Googling with "Signet Double Gothic" yields up 4 additional volumes.
I especially like the artwork for "Night at Sea Abbey"; it's both Gothic and *Fantasy*, imo. :-) Love those blues and greens, and her red blouse is a dramatic contrast.
It's a surprisingly thick book; nearly twice as many pages as all Belmont DG's I own. Each story is probably 50 pages longer. But that's not necessarily a plus; I prefer my stories short and sweet.
Am very glad to have this in my collection.
They're both really nice... I too am a sucker for gothic seaside castles but think I like the Black Heather art better. Any chance of scanning these bigger at a higher resolution so we can see the detail? The front of that mansion looks awesome, I'd love to see it up close.
Hi Karswell: I'll try to scan it closer/larger once I get my own scanner up and running (hopefully) after the Holidays... :-)
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